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What do you think about when you hear the word 'Tesla'? Do you think of Elon musk's company? Well, that was named after Nikola Tesla, born in 1856. He was a great scientist who created many things. Do you like your TV, or your radio? Well, without Nikola, those wouldn't exist. Do you ever think of some famous people and think of maybe Thomas Edison, or George Westinghouse? Nikola Tesla worked with both of them, and they both benefited from his creations. Even if Edison did turn Nikola away. There were some tough points in finding reliable sites to find out that this actually happened and some disturbing facts as well. 


Through my research, I found multiple interesting facts, and faced some major challenges. Did you know that Nikola was born during a lightning storm? This might have been inspiration for his later inventions, as where his visions. The fact that there were so many sites about him was very helpful. The fact that it was very easy to find the author, and then check if he/she was reliable. Without those sites, I would have been much less informed, therefore making the tasks much harder. Some challenges I faced was that there were also many unreliable sites, and because they were mixed facts, it took a lot longer to find reliable facts, and to find reliable authors as an effect of that.  


Some significant influences/hardships for Nikola Tesla was the fact he saw multiple visions after his brother – Dane - had died in a riding incident in 1863. When Nikola was just 7 years of age, after Edison had played an "American Joke" on Tesla, Tesla had to find a job instead. The job he had to resort to was digging ditches for a living to earn $2 a day to survive in New York. A big influence that he had received was from his mother, Djuka Mandic, who spent days creating small electrical appliances around the household. Another is when he saw the DC current created by Edison, then when he created a version of this, he had modified it to make it superbly better than Edison's inefficient current. 


Some of Tesla's achievements changed the way the world worked. But some of his inventions were taken away from him. This was when Edison asked him to improve his DC power current, then failed to pay him as it was apparently an " American Joke ". Tesla's improved version of the DC current was actually the best it could have gotten, as Edison had no better ideas and had to trick Tesla into working for him. When Tesla was working on the Crookes tube with Mark Twain, he had actually found the working version of an X-ray!! Also, imagine if we didn't have the Tesla coil or the AC power current. Firstly we wouldn't have a very efficient radio, or TV, because the technology used in the tesla coil was a very important part of that. If we didn't have the AC power current, we wouldn't have efficient ways to transfer power between places efficiently. We would probably me in massive amounts of debt right now if it wasn't for Tesla. 


Furthermore, he contributed his life's work to humanity, without him, this world would be massively affected. Not positively affected by the way. He helped put the scientists today on an easy path to modify and use his ideas. He created the tesla coil  which is used to produce high-voltage, low-current, high frequency alternating-current electricity. This was the biggest invention yet, as without him, we would not have the radio, AC electricity, power grids, television, Tesla coils, neon lighting, fluorescent lighting, radio-controlled devices, robotics, X-rays, radar or even microwaves. He wouldn't have been able to invent any of these if Edison had taken him in. Even though Edison wasn't nice to Tesla. If Tesla had stayed, he wouldn't have created any of the things above. These are just some of the things that he gave to humanity through his life work, and without him, we would be in serious trouble. 


Nikola Tesla has inspired me a lot. I now always look at a TV and microwaves, thinking: "How is there a thing in there that Tesla created?" Once you read about it, you can't forget it. This is made me look forward to Form I applied arts, because we get to create things with electrical currents. I never thought that we would still be using something that was created over a century ago. Some of the things he did do connect to my life, even if just a little bit. He loved creating and analysing. I certainly love to create things. I also don't take things for granted anymore as I used to. I didn't realise that without Tesla we wouldn't have X-rays, TV's, microwaves or even power stations. Without these I don't know what I would do, because all I have known is life with these things. He has been a big inspiration to my life and certainly has changed it, even if he passed away many years before I was born. 


Nikola Tesla is a very inspirational person, and without him I do not know what the world would be like. He has influenced the world with his amazing inventions, and he has worked with multiple great people. He has definitely earnt the right to be called notable and in my opinion, he should have gotten the Noble Peace Prize, if not another prestigious award. He has been a great person to study and I have learned a lot from him. Sadly he did die in 1943. He lived a great life, even if he faced some cruel jokes.  I hope that you agree with me that he is a notable person. 

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