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Dear Nobel Peace Prize Committee, 

I am writing to you on the subject of Nikola Tesla, and why he should receive the Nobel Peace Prize. He has proven himself multiple times to be worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize, such as creating the Tesla Coil, without it we wouldn’t have usable radio, Television or controlled electricity. He has also created the highly efficient AC power current. 

Firstly, he started off with nobody who would like to help him, but when he got to Edison, he proved to himself that he was smarter and worked harder than Edison. He got cruelly tricked by Edison after being told that the fake pay was an "American Joke". Then he went on to join Westinghouse Electric, where he outshined everyone in the tech era at the time. He created the highly efficient AC power current which was way better than the DC current that Edison had created. the reason that this was better was because Edison's current was inefficient and needed multiple of them to get the electricity from one place to another. Tesla's was way more efficient ad you could have one or two for hundreds of kilometers without needing multiple between them. This is a strong indication that Tesla can be considered legible for the Nobel Peace Prize. 

Furthermore, Tesla created the Tesla coil which was named after him because of its importance in the world. Without the tesla coil we wouldn’t have been able to transmit very high voltage at a low current. Without this we wouldn’t have wireless telegraphy. That means that in the wars with submarines and ships, they wouldn’t have been able to communicate with each other. That means that no one would have been able to communicate with submarines and ships during the war from the home base. That means that we probably would have massive deaths and humans might have been dead without wireless telegraphy. This is a major point as to why he should be given the Nobel Peace Prize. 

Lastly, he has been considered Noble by thousands of people, here and in the future, will benefit from the AC current. Just imagine if we didn’t have the AC power current, we would still be using the highly inefficient DC power current, which would have turned Global warming into a much worse problem than it is today. We would have also used much more money for the construction of power plants, because of the DC current the Governments around the world would have gone into debt and we would not have the world we live in today if not for Tesla. This is the biggest impact he has made, as we would not have the world we have today if it wasn’t for him. 

Overall, he is a very honest and true person, and I don’t see why he should not be given the Nobel Prize. He has contributed major things to humanity and without them we might not be alive today. 

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