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3 Thoughts: 

  •  It would be very easy to hurt yourself or die during experiments with high voltage currents. 

  • If he didn’t create the Tesla coil, Climate Change would be much worse, and the world would probably be in a much worse state than it is right now. 

  • If Nikola didn’t find Westinghouse, we would have been with a much worse power supply and the Government would probably be in debt because of the cost to install and maintain the power plants that power the highly inefficient DC current. 

2 Questions: 

  • Why couldn’t Edison accept that Nikola was smarter and a much better inventor than himself? What would have happened if he did take Tesla in and would we have still been using the DC voltage? 

  • What would have happened if Nikola Tesla got discouraged, would the world still have created the AC current? But at what stage would it have happened, if it happened? 

1 Analogy: 

  • Tesla was often compared to Thomas Edison in intelligence and creativity, but most often, he was compared to Edison as the superior inventor. When he created the AC power current, he was a hero. No one before had thought that anything since the DC current would be able to outshine it. People then forgot about Edison and his DC current. This is very similar to the Major earth problems. They are major and noticed when the happen, then they are forgotten, for example: if there was a Tsunami it would be on the news and everyone would be talking about it and people would donate to charity. Then a week later it was forgotten.             





3 New Thoughts:


  • The children who bullied Nikola are definitely regretting the fact that they didn’t befriend him or even just be nice to him. But if they didn’t bully him, I don’t think that he would still be the great inventor that he was. 

  • Because the DC current is very inefficient, I don’t know why Edison wanted to keep working on it. It could only travel short distances, and yes it was more efficient than arc power. But it would still cost way more to elongate the power length as you needed multiple sources for a short distance. It was a great breakthrough that Tesla had, and much more efficient and inexpensive. 

  • Nikola Tesla’s ideas were great, and I don’t know why Edison couldn’t accept that his ideas were out of date and overpriced. This was a great lesson for Tesla, but a sad thought for Edison’s career. 

  • 2 New Questions: 

  • What would have happened if the children at Tesla’s school hadn’t bullied him? Would he have still become the inventor that he was? What would have been different? 

  • If Edison knew that his DC current was costly, why did he get rid of Tesla’s way better ideas? It would have worked out and they could have been great partners, but who would have taken credit? Would it have descended into another fight? What would it have done to the world we have today?     

1 New Analogy: 

  • Tesla's thinking was very similar to Einstein, except that Tesla was a technician and Einstein was a mathematician. Their IQ was similar, and their studies had some relations. They worked in completely different places but somehow they were almost exactly the same. Einstein created the equation E=mc squared. Whereas Tesla created the Tesla coil. Two majorly different people, in two different places. But with the same idea. 




  • My thinking was similar as I have researched a lot about Tesla already. But a main thing that changed was that I didn’t actually know that he wasn’t the one to create the transformer. I always thought that he did because everyone knows him as the science and tech guru. This is a very interesting find, and I definitely am going to research it some more. I also didn’t know that Tesla was actually funny and had a good sense of humour. He is a very interesting notable and a very interesting person himself. 

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